Marketing automation has become quite a buzz word recently and rightly so – there is so much cool stuff you can do with it like: automated emails, prediction and scoring, campaign management, customer lifecycle management, social media marketing and the list goes on.
Essentially many business and marketing processes can now be automated, meaning it will save you time and money. Also if implemented correctly, it can increase your business accuracy and reduce human error. Client and customer communication can also be significantly improved and for many marketing departments, it can help to lighten the load on manual analytical processes. Because of the sheer possibility of marketing automation, if it’s something which is new to you, it might seem slightly overwhelming. If it’s something you’re used to, it’s worth keeping up to date with some of the new features and functionality that is readily available.
This section aims to provide everything you need to know to start using it for your business. Covering the basics of what it is and how it can benefit your business, to advance features and setup. We break down automation topics and provide actionable advice and strategy so all you have to do is to decide which processes will benefit your business the best.