How a Recruitment CRM Can Save You Time and Get You More Sales

How a Recruitment CRM Can Save You Time and Get You More Sales

No doubt you will have seen and read plenty about CRMs, whether you’re in sales, marketing or recruitment. But HR and staffing firms have been relatively slow to adopt CRMs, no doubt because they’re most useful in sales and marketing. But what you might not know is that they’re just as good for recruitment as they are for straight sales! They can save you time from start to finish, and help you make more hires. Here’s how.

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A Recruitment CRM Can Ensure Everything Is Streamlined

With a CRM, everything you do is smooth, streamlined and easy. This helps you to work far more quickly, saves you time, and let’s you get more done in the day (or take a longer lunch break- we don’t judge). Let’s take a look at what exactly makes CRMs so useful when it comes to saving time.

A Central Data Source For Your Recruitment Agency

One of the main features of any CRM is that all data, whether it’s on customers, clients or potential hires, is stored in one central database. That’s not just for the sake of compliance or bookkeeping; it’s so that your working day is more efficient.

Back in the day, recruitment was through physical paper CVs, over the phone, and in person. These days, there are far more options for getting in touch with prospective hires: over email, over the phone, over text, and through social media. While sales and marketing were relatively quick to integrate software platforms into what they do, recruitment is playing catch-up. Having to search through email chains, records of phone calls and more is unfortunately too common.

CRMs fix that problem entirely by keeping everything in one place. The record of every phone call, email and message is stored centrally and accessible by anybody who can get on the platform. Now, if that sounds more like data entry than recruitment, consider this…

Passive Candidate & Recruiter Action Tracking

CRMs can track and manage candidates, much of it without you having to lift a finger. If you send an email through the platform, your CRM will make a note of it. If they reply, it can make a note of that too. Of course, if you want to make notes about a particular hire, then you can; but it’s not all sitting and typing.

Integrated Recruitment Data Capture

Not only that, but you can capture data quickly and easily through your CRM too. Let’s say you’re working with an email client which is integrated into your platform. If you find a nugget of info in a candidate’s response that you think might be useful for later, it’s as easy as highlighting it and saving it for later. You can even do the same on the web.

Recruitment Software Can Help You Do What You Do, But Better

Beyond saving you time, CRMs also help you work more effectively than ever before. That is the point, after all: if they didn’t save you time, and they didn’t make your business more effective, what would be the point?! Here’s how CRMs can help you improve how you source and recruit candidates.

Generate Valuable Sales Reports

First off, CRMs are the perfect platform for learning more about what you do. Almost every single one contains some kind of analytical tool set: quick ways of parsing data and representing it as graphs, tables and pie charts. And they’re not just for fancy looking PowerPoints, they’re actually useful!

It all starts with the data you collect. With a CRM, you can track almost anything, internal or external: where a candidate is in the recruitment process (à la sales funnels and pipelines), whether they open your emails, whether they click through on your emails, and how long they spend reading them. Internally, you can track how well your team is doing: how many successful hires somebody made last week, how many they’re trying to close at any given time, and how well they’re likely to perform next month.

With all of this data at your disposal, there’s no limit to what you could do. You can see who’s doing well and who isn’t. You can see how well the firm will do as a whole next month, based on past performance… The limit is your imagination!

Email Automation – Helping You Achieve Better Recruitment Results

Last up, we have email automation. There are two main uses for email automation when it comes to recruiting: structuring the onboarding process, and ensuring that every single hire is followed up.

  • With automated emails, you can make sure that each and every hire goes through the perfect onboarding process. You can tailor each email template according to your own A/B testing research, so that every single email you send to a hire is perfectly crafted.
  • With automated follow-up, you can set your CRM to send a personalised email to any potential hire if they don’t respond within a week (or within any timeframe you’d like). That way, you can absolutely guarantee that you never forget a follow-up. Perfect!

The trick is to set up powerful, personalised email templates. It takes a little time to set them up- and it takes even longer to perfect them- but if you do it right, then they’ll save you time in the long run.

And there you have it: two great reasons why you should start using automation as part of your day to day recruitment process. Even better than the time you’ll save and the improvements you’ll make is the fact that most recruitment agencies have been slow on the uptake when it comes to CRMs and automation… So you’ll be miles ahead of the curve. Nice!